“There’s more to vision than just having 6/6 eyesight. A strong visual system is needed for reading, using a computer, and playing sports.”
- A person who is “6/6,” with excellent visual acuity, can have deficient visual skills, because skills may not closely correlate with acuity
What are Visual Skills?
- Two components of visual skills
- Ocular motor skills or eyes physical abilities, include:
- Acuity: Ability to see clearly at both far and near
- Attention: Ability to stay on task
- Binocularity: Aiming and using the two eyes together
- Depth Perception: Ability to judge distances of objects and see 3D
- Fixation: Ability to quickly move your eyes from one spot to another
- Focusing: Keeping images clear at both far and near
- Peripheral Vision: Ability to view and interpret your surroundings
- Tracking: Ability to follow moving objects
What are Visual Skills?
- Visual perceptual skill or ability to process information, include:
- Form Perception: Ability to discriminate likenesses and differences, size and colour
- Hand Eye Coordination: Ability to move your hand as directed by your eyes
- Spatial Ability: Ability to determine right and left
- Visual Memory:Ability to remember what you do see
- Visualization:Ability to make mental images in your mind
Visual information process skills
- Perception
- Tracking
- Focusing
- Eye teaming
Poor Visual skills leads to discomfort and stress, which results in poor reading and poor sports skills and finally leads to underachievers.
What is Vision Therapy?
Vision therapy is a progressive program of vision “exercises” or training procedures designed to improve visual performance by consciously involving the patient in a sequence of controlled visual tasks.
Vision Therapy sessions include procedures designed to enhance the brain’s ability to control:
- Eye alignment
- Eye teaming
- Eye focusing abilities
- Eye movements
- Visual processing
Who benefits from vision therapy?
People afflicted with the following:
- Learning-related Vision Problems
- Poor Binocular Coordination
- Strabismus and Amblyopia
- Stress-induced Visual Difficulties
- Visual Rehabilitation for Special Populations
- Sports Vision Improvement
What is involved in a vision therapy programme?
- A progressive programme of vision “exercises” or procedures
- Generally conducted in-office, in 10 days’ sessions of 30 minutes
- Sometimes supplemented with procedures done at home between office visits (“homework”)
- Depending on the case:
- Help patients develop or improve fundamental visual skills and abilities
- Improve visual comfort, ease, and efficiency
- Change how a patient processes or interprets visual information
Vision Therapy program includes:
- Antisupression therapy
- Convergence exercises
- Accommodative therapy
- Oculomotor therapy
- Amblyopia therapy
Our Goal in Vision Therapy Clinic is:
To alleviate the signs and symptoms, achieve desired visual outcomes, meet the patient’s needs and improve the patient’s quality of life.